Funny, digital content for your brand.

Ring the Bell


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Client Testimonials

Working with Sam was an exciting experience. He is an extremely talented and versatile professional, and he learned and understood our business needs quickly. Writing, casting, producing and acting, Sam brought an energy to our campaign which we truly embraced. We look forward to working with him on our next project!
— Matt George, VP Leasing - Equity Office
Other than his knack for combining humor and pointed marketing content, Sam’s most impressive talent is his ability to break a project down to insure that every aspect of your product is explained, represented, and beautifully-marketed to the consumer. Cowbell Media did an amazing job of educating the customer about our product while, at the same time, keeping them laughing and engaged. We can’t wait to work with Cowbell again!
— James O'Brien, Founder - ShaveFace
While working at The Kicker and Above Average, Sam was not only a strong creative voice but also contributed on the production side. He can act, write, produce, and deliver great content. I would recommend anyone looking for a one stop shop at a great rate to work with Cowbell Media and Sam.
— Grant Jones, GM - The Kicker | Above Average